And his blatant galling of the BN and the Government in the country and overseas has not helped his case either. Even PKR and PR members are irritated.
The most affected are the common people. We are no longer interested in political intrigues, demonstrations and political ceramah, especially for the cause of one man who is certainly not interested to fight his case.
Before the March 2008 general elections, we were promised by the DAP, PKR and PAS that the politicking would stop. They wanted to form the Government and start working, not like the BN leaders, they claimed.
Two years on and today, we have yet to see any work done by these three parties in PR. I am not a big fan of BN for the excesses enjoyed by their leaders but at least they are working for the common people.
None of the PKR, DAP and PAS leaders could tell Anwar to stop his charade overseas. He wants the whole world to attack Malaysia.
An attack on the Government is akin to an assault on our country. And the impending repercussions especially from condescending foreign countries like the United States, Australia and Britain will only affect the common folks, people like you and I, and our families.
The situation has reached total absurdity when Anwar’s urgings of Australian parliamentarians to meddle in Malaysia’s affairs and taint our sovereignty had backfired on him. Parliamentarians like Michael Danby, who is a a gay himself, have now questioned why sodomy is a crime in Malaysia? Is he admitting that Anwar had committed sodomy?
Anwar has also engaged a US-based organisation called the International Republican Institute (IRI) to help him in the Sarawak elections to be held soon. This entity in Sarawak is headed by John Fluharty, another gay.
Why Anwar is surrounded by gays is simply hard to fathom especially when common sense would have been to avoid any association with the group, not when he has to prove in court that he is not a homosexual.
Anwar has gone nationwide over the past month to attack the Government and distract the common folks from his sodomy case. He wants to fight his case out of court and draws inspiration from the political turmoil of Thailand. If the Red Shirts can do it for Thaksin, why can’t 1 million Malaysians do it for Anwar?
It is time Anwar realises that the common people have to earn an honest living and work hard. We can’t afford to be distracted from our daily responsibilities to better our lives and those of our loved ones.
We have to bite the bullet, face challenges and fight our case. Anwar too must do the same, in court.
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