Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Biarkan Tun Dr Mahathir Terjun Dengan Labuh-Labuhnya

Cuba tanya diri sendiri, apa yang boleh diperbuat Tun Dr Mahathir pada negara dan rakyat pada masa ini? selain memalitkan imej buruk kepada negara dan rakyatnya.

Cuba tanya diri sendiri sejujur-jujurnya, apa yang mahu diselamatkan oleh Mantan Perdana Menteri itu? Apa kah melalui desakan beliau menurunkan DS Najib Razak daripada jawatan Perdana Menteri, maka harga minyak mentah negara naik? atau nilai ringgit melonjak?. Sedangkan berasaskan rekod pertukaran ringgit terhadap dollar Amerika, sebaik sahaja beliau keluar Umno pada 4 Mac, nilai ringgit terhadap dollar Amerika meningkat daripada RM4.16 sedollar kepada RM4.06 sedollar.

Apa yang diselamatkan oleh Tun Dr Mahathir dengan bekerjasama dengan DAP? Sedangkan DAP sejak sekian lama, merupakan parti yang senantiasa memperjuangkan malaysian Malaysia, yakni menggunapakai kesamarataan antara penduduk asal dan bukan. Rakyat khususnya melayu/bumiputera telah melihat, bahawa sebelum mantan Perdana Menteri itu meninggalkan dunia ini, beliau mahu memaksa kontrak sosial yang wujud sejak merdeka dimansuhkan.

Memang diakui, kerana sifat "keras kepala" Mantan Perdana Menteri terhadap para pemimpin Barat, menyebabkan beliau terkenal. Oleh kerana beliau merupakan Perdana Menteri, maka membawa negara yang diwakili.

Memang diakui, selama 22 tahun, banyak infrastrukutur yang dibina, termasuk projek-projek mega. Tetapi perlu diingat, apa kah projek-projek mega itu memberi faedah kepada penyokong dan ahli Umno? atau penyokong Barisan Nasional? khususnya para penyokong tegar yang berada di pedesaan? Sebagai misalan, para peniaga di KLCC, Lapangan Terbangan Antara Bangsa Kuala Lumpur? atau pembinaan LRT/MRT, atau pembinaan lebuhraya Utara Selatan, apa kah ahli atau penyokong Umno atau BN mendapat faedah? selain kroni? tepuk dada tanya selera.

Kalaulah dianalisa dengan seksama, cara pemerintahan Tun Dr Mahathir selama 22 tahun, bukan membela penduduk pedesaan atau kampung atau para penyokong tegar, sebaliknya, hanya menjadikan yang kaya terus kaya. Bayangkan di Sabah dan Sarawak, masih banyak perkampungan yang melibatkan ratusan ribu rakyat belum menikmati kemudahan asas seperti bekalan air bersih. Keadaan ini, langsung tidak diambilkira oleh mantan Perdana Menteri itu. Beliau terus membiarkan ketimpangan itu sehinggalah beliau besara. Kini, beliau muncul, kononnya mahu selamatkan negara, selamatkan daripada siapa??


  1. Labu tak labu..tggu pru14

  2. siap sedia le jadi singapura...benih Dap dah berbunga...melayu benci sesama melayu..

  3. siap sedia le jadi singapura...benih Dap dah berbunga...melayu benci sesama melayu..

  4. Si BOTAK SIAL PENYANGAK/PENYAMAQ ZIONIS-anak si DIKTATOR ZIONIS madey-PENYAMAQ/PENYAMUN/PEMBUNUH/LANUN/PENYANGAK/PERASUAH-no-1 ni mana TAK puja si media ZIONIS BANGKAI BABI yg. memBURUKkkan YAB PM kita dgn. amat KEJI, iaitu Tim*s magazine yg. dipunyai Time Warn*r, yg. diKUASAI MAFIA ZIONIS iaitu "organized crime syndicate of Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky (who worked closely with Israel’s Mossad) and to the Lansky-connected liquor empire of Sam Bronfman, longtime chief of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and his son, Edgar Bronfman, who recently retired as head of the WJC." - lihat di bawah!

    Di - http://www.illuminati-news.com/Articles/01.html :

    Who Really Runs America?

    by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Vol 7, #48, Nov 26,
    2007 (lihat mendiang Piper ini disyaki diBUNUH oleh PENGGANAS MOSSAD dan diburukkan oleh Wikipedia yg. disyaki juga dikuasai ZIONIS/MOSSAD-ISrael – di http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/06/03/did-israel-assassinate-michael-collins-piper/ , Did Israel Assassinate Michael Collins Piper´: Two days ago, Michael Collins Piper, aged 55, died in a hotel room, By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on June 3, 2015)

    If you think that the United States is run by a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) elite, think again. The reality is very much otherwise, according to an old-line American magazine that did, indeed, once rank as a voice of the so-called “WASP” establishment.

    Vanity Fair—the stylish monthly now owned by the billionaire Zionist Newhouse family—has just published its annual list of the 100 most powerful people in America, what Vanity Fair calls “the New Establishment.”…....

    Several others are officers of media giants dominated by Jewish financial interests, acting as well-paid “fronts” for the controllers behind the scenes. For example, Richard Parsons, an African-American, is listed at 18th place, but he is no more than a front man at Time-Warner.

    And as those who know the history of Time-Warner are well aware, that media empire has been dominated since at least the late 1960s, of elements linked to the organized crime syndicate of Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky (who worked closely with Israel’s Mossad) and to the Lansky-connected liquor empire of Sam Bronfman, longtime chief of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and his son, Edgar Bronfman, who recently retired as head of the WJC.

    It has been widely asserted that the idea that Jewish families and financial interests were very powerful was “an old wives’s tale,” a “ridiculous anti-Semitic canard with no basis in reality,” said to be the product of a “discredited czarist forgery.” However, the new Vanity Fair assessment suggests otherwise and seems to confirm the theme of this author’s work, The New Jerusalem, which had already documented in detail what Vanity Fair has now confirmed: “Zionist power in America.”

    Vanity Fair's `Top 100' seems to confirm age-old `canards' about `Jewish power'

    ….It has been widely asserted that the idea that Jewish families and financial interests were very powerful was “an old wives’s tale,” a “ridiculous anti-Semitic canard with no basis in reality,” said to be the product of a “discredited czarist forgery.” However, the new Vanity Fair assessment suggests otherwise and seems to confirm the theme of this author’s work, The New Jerusalem, which had already documented in detail what Vanity Fair has now confirmed: “Zionist power in America.”

    Top 100:
    Vanity Fair's List of
    `The New Establishment'

    (Annotated by M.C. Piper)

    …..22. Jeff Bewkes, recently became CEO at the Time-Warner media empire (which has long been under the influence of the Bronfman family and other Zionist elements)......

    Nek Tempoyak.

    #Hormat UMNO/YAB PM BUMIPUTERA Islam/Melayu TERCINTA kita, YAB DS Mohd. Najib Tun Abd. Razak#

    #NYAHkan si PETUALANG-PETUALANG Kitul PENYANGAK /PENYAMAQ ZIONIS si Botak SIAL-anak madey/si KULI SEMBAP-yidin depa dari UMN*#

  5. Itu yg kena istiqomah sokong UMNO tu x kiralah siapa presiden. Yg penting utamakan rakyat, bukan kroni. Dan buat masa ini Najib lah yg perlu disokong.


    Si BOTAK SIAL PENYANGAK/PENYAMAQ ZIONIS-anak si DIKTATOR ZIONIS madey-PENYAMAQ/PENYAMUN/PEMBUNUH/LANUN/PENYANGAK/PERASUAH-no-1 ni pun dok galak PUJA si media ZIONIS BANGKAI BABI yg. memBURUKkan YAB PM kita dgn. amat KEJI, iaitu Tim* magazine ni yg. dipunyai Time Warn*r, yg. diKUASAI MAFIA ZIONIS iaitu "organized crime syndicate of Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky (who worked closely with Israel’s Mossad) and to the Lansky-connected liquor empire of Sam Bronfman, longtime chief of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and his son, Edgar Bronfman, who recently retired as head of the WJC." - lihat di bawah!

    Di - http://www.illuminati-news.com/Articles/01.html :

    Who Really Runs America?

    by Michael Collins Piper, American Free Press, Vol 7, #48, Nov 26,
    2007 (lihat mendiang Piper ini disyaki diBUNUH oleh PENGGANAS MOSSAD dan diburukkan oleh Wikipedia yg. disyaki juga dikuasai ZIONIS/MOSSAD-ISrael – di http://www.veteranstoday.com/2015/06/03/did-israel-assassinate-michael-collins-piper/ , Did Israel Assassinate Michael Collins Piper´: Two days ago, Michael Collins Piper, aged 55, died in a hotel room, By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on June 3, 2015)

    If you think that the United States is run by a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant (WASP) elite, think again. The reality is very much otherwise, according to an old-line American magazine that did, indeed, once rank as a voice of the so-called “WASP” establishment.

    Vanity Fair—the stylish monthly now owned by the billionaire Zionist Newhouse family—has just published its annual list of the 100 most powerful people in America, what Vanity Fair calls “the New Establishment.”…....

    Several others are officers of media giants dominated by Jewish financial interests, acting as well-paid “fronts” for the controllers behind the scenes. For example, Richard Parsons, an African-American, is listed at 18th place, but he is no more than a front man at Time-Warner.

    And as those who know the history of Time-Warner are well aware, that media empire has been dominated since at least the late 1960s, of elements linked to the organized crime syndicate of Jewish gangster, Meyer Lansky (who worked closely with Israel’s Mossad) and to the Lansky-connected liquor empire of Sam Bronfman, longtime chief of the World Jewish Congress (WJC), and his son, Edgar Bronfman, who recently retired as head of the WJC.

    It has been widely asserted that the idea that Jewish families and financial interests were very powerful was “an old wives’s tale,” a “ridiculous anti-Semitic canard with no basis in reality,” said to be the product of a “discredited czarist forgery.” However, the new Vanity Fair assessment suggests otherwise and seems to confirm the theme of this author’s work, The New Jerusalem, which had already documented in detail what Vanity Fair has now confirmed: “Zionist power in America.”

    Vanity Fair's `Top 100' seems to confirm age-old `canards' about `Jewish power'

    ….It has been widely asserted that the idea that Jewish families and financial interests were very powerful was “an old wives’s tale,” a “ridiculous anti-Semitic canard with no basis in reality,” said to be the product of a “discredited czarist forgery.” However, the new Vanity Fair assessment suggests otherwise and seems to confirm the theme of this author’s work, The New Jerusalem, which had already documented in detail what Vanity Fair has now confirmed: “Zionist power in America.”

    Top 100:
    Vanity Fair's List of
    `The New Establishment'

    (Annotated by M.C. Piper)

    …..22. Jeff Bewkes, recently became CEO at the Time-Warner media empire (which has long been under the influence of the Bronfman family and other Zionist elements)......

    Nek Tempoyak.

    #Hormat UMNO/YAB PM BUMIPUTERA Islam/Melayu TERCINTA kita, YAB DS Mohd. Najib Tun Abd. Razak#

    #NYAHkan si PETUALANG-PETUALANG Kitul PENYANGAK /PENYAMAQ ZIONIS si Botak SIAL-anak madey/si KULI SEMBAP-yidin depa dari UMN*#
