Friday, April 18, 2014

Sodomi II: Antara Sebab Anwar Didapati Bersalah

Antara Keputusan Mahkamah Rayuan:-

1. "Did not even deny that he was at the scene of the crime at the material time as stated in the charge".
2. " He never disputed that, his car was seen entering and leaving the condominium at the material time"
3."He also did not dispute that he was seen entering the lift to the 5th floor of the condominium and later leaving the place"
4. "He also did not dispute that he directed his Chief of Staff to arrange for an envelope to be handed to him at the said condominium and that the Chief of Staff had instructed Saiful to bring the envelope to him"
5. "Anwar also did not dispute the fact that Saiful had brought the envelope to him at the place of incident"


  1. Ada hati nak anjur REFORMASI 2.0 Daripada anjur Reformasi 2.0 anjurkan MALAM TAUBAT PERDANA lagi bagus. Pada malam "keluarkan" (produce) jam tangan omega, tunjukkan bukti Alibai, jemput bekas pemimpin PKR sokong kenyataan "konspirasi" dsbn.ya

  2. Hancur Malaysia & Islam kerana anwar & PAS....parti yg keliru identiti

  3. Setuju 100% kedua2 Anon diatas.

  4. Pengikut dia kene muhasabah diri laaa....

    Kenapa Allah swt x buka hati pengikut2 taksub dia dari menerima kebenaran....

    Samada bodo atau hati dah ditutup oleh Allah swt...

  5. mahkamah dah bagi peluang utk BABI ni bela diri , tapi kenapa nak heret rakyat yg dah buta mata hati itu untuk tegak kan kote dia...

    BRO ANUAR BIN IBRAHIM AKA BABI ni yang sebenar nya ZALIM

  6. BABI tidak akan bertaubat sebab GST = Gay Sampai Tuak
